Monday, June 25, 2007

Kenzie discovers the Cell Phone....

I wonder what this button does....

Yeah, He's pretty CUTE!

Bradford and his "Bestest Buddy"

Ok, so I admit it, I'm a bit jealous...according to Bradford and McKenzie, Matthew makes the "best" macaroni and cheese in the world...he's better than I am at pop-up pirate, AND, he's the most comfortable thing to lay on. How can you compete with that?!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Aunt Leslee and Christy

Les and Christy...yup, you guys look TOO much alike!

Bradford and Kenzie at Church with Mommy

Oh, they are SO cute!

Travis and Christy, Graduation Day!

More Graduation Photos!

Here is a pic of Don, Christy and Travis. I swear...Trav's zipper is ALWAYS down!!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ms Froo Froo Foot

This one is self explanitory....appropriate footware for rural Montana....

Show me....Happy, oooh like that!

The "Self Portrait", Leslee style....

The Flip-Off???

I wonder what the heck I was doing...or did my subconcious make me flip off the camera-holder? Any thoughts, Leslee?


Bradford and Kenzie

Chuck and Bradford

Chuck and Bradford....doesn't Brad look like Chuck when he was a little boy?

The whole Fam-Damly

Well, you can see the family resemblance....

Travis, looking happy!


Here's Christy, looking lovely!

Fashion Police

So, Leslee is still heckling the fashion challenged public....
The caption on this photo from Les stated, "She's wearing a BANANA CLIP!!!"